

英漢字典: get out of

1. move out of a space, building,etc. 離開

    The door locked accidentally, and I couldn't get out of the bathroom. 門無意中鎖上了,結果我無法從浴室裡出來。

2. remove 取出;拔出

    Can you get this nail out of the wall?你能拔出牆上這顆釘子嗎?

3. descend from(a vehicle)從(車上)下來

    They can't get the cases and bags out of the plane faster. 他們無法更快地從飛機上把這些箱子和包裹搬下來。

4. copy 復制;抄襲

    His story isn't original;he got it out of a book. 他講的故事並不新鮮,他是從一本書上看來的。

5. escape from 從…逃脫

    Why don't you get out of the country if you don't like it?既然你不喜歡這個國家,那為什麼不離開它呢?

6. gain from; obtain from 獲取

    The children are always trying to get more money out of their father. 那些孩子總想從父親手裡多弄到幾個錢。

    There's nothing to be got out of this book;it's years out of date. 從這本書裡得不到什麼,它已經過時多年了。

    Unfortunately,I got nothing out of his poor lecture. 糟糕的是,我從他那差勁的講座中什麼也沒有學到。

7. forget or lose sth. such as a habit 忘掉或去除(習慣等)

    Joining a group will help to get you out of the habit. 加入一個小組將有助你改掉這種習慣。

8. avoid doing sth. ;be excused from;evade避免做某事;逃避;擺脫

    I wish I could get out of going to that ceremony. 我希望我能不參加那儀式。

    Everyone of us must take turns to wash up;no one will be allowed to get out of it. 我們大家都得輪流洗碗,任何人不得逃避。

    He is trying to get out of paying his share of the bill. 他試圖逃避支付賬單上的他的那一份錢。

    I have an engagement for tonight, but I will try to get out of it. 我今晚有個約會,但我將設法不去。

    Never try to get out of doing your duty. 不要逃避你的責任。

    get out or bed(on) the wrong side be in a bad mood or temper(from the moment one gets up)(從一起床起)心情不好;發脾氣

    What's the matter with you?You are cursing at everyone this morning. You must have got out of bed on the wrong side. 你怎麼啦?一早上你一直在罵人,你一定是心情不好。

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